Hagrid must have a very LARGE large intestine, considering his size. But, not matter how big or small, everyone's large intestine plays the same role in the digestive process. This is where the undigested food, thus far, collects and is prepared to be excreted. Please answer these following questions using the links provided to learn how our large intestine finalizes the digestive process.

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Questions About Your Large Intestine
- What is the function of the large intestine?
- In the large intestine, what is removed from the liquid paste that was sent from the small intestine?
- After this substance is removed, what is left?
- What is an alternative name given to the large intestine?
- How long can it take for some foods to pass through the large intestine?
Websites to Explore
Kids Health
Vilenski - Digestive System
Indiapolis Public Library