Harry Potter's Team has selected our class to go on an expedition with him! You have been selected to visit the Digestive System for one week at the end of the school year in an effort to study, explore, and to learn how the digestive system works. You will first need to research some very important facts before embarking on this wonderful journey.
You will be in GROUPS OF 3 and each of you will be responsible for TWO topics of the research that will prepare you for the expedition.

*Teeth and Mouth
*Small Intestine
*Large Intestine
At this time, please get into GROUPS OF 3 and select your topics. Using the websites found on the PROCESS page of Exploring the Digestive System, you will answer the questions pertaining to your topics using the links provided on your topic page.
After you have answered your questions, collaboratively you will present your findings in the form of a powerpoint presentation.
Your final presentation will be your RESEARCH FINDINGS and the POWERPOINT PRESENTATION.
In the presentation, your group will explain the different parts of the digestive system. Please be creative and present your findings in a fun but informative way.